2005/03/17 | brief diary 写下你生活中的点点滴滴
类别(外语沙龙) | 评论(0) | 阅读(79) | 发表于 19:40
little words reflect the color of common days,tell us what kind of life u r enjoying or suffering from....

1,let me begin first.
next week i am going to take mid-term examination,september 5th i have to take the japanese language examination,january ,TOEFL test is waiting for me,i don't know what kind of life i am experiencing now,what i know is that i didn't get a good review of my study,so i probably fail in the test next week ,anyway,i still hate Maths
2,Still being crazy....depuis longtemps...
3,be a better man?that's been my attitude
4,Everything seemed to be hard. Everyday seemed to be shorter. And I seemed to be lazier.....
5,Eng major paper due 2mrw - "Literature must give us beauty", write about a few texts you learnt under that impression
Another Eng major paper due next next week - What do i expect to fufil through literature, what will you do if there werent fufiled
Test coming up continuously
Chem Lab report
Yea well, thats it for now
6,ha,finally finish my mid-term examination,i am dying now,failed in chemistry...
anyway,I've done it!
next aim:JLPT!!!
god bless me!
